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/melon/ - Corey

i can't even think of a title jesus christ GET IT AWAY
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File: 1393812344785.jpg (15.06 KB, 247x193, low_powerlevel.jpg)


So I haard Corey fans are hiatus, am I wrong?? Maybe you are not true Corey fans


cor3yfags were a bunch of guys that didn't understand the joke was over why are you mentioning it again


lol are you saying Corey fans(actual fans) dont exist?



I'm saying they're a bunch of retarded kids that didn't understand the joke was ended and started spamming their shit outside the original thread.


no dude there is an actual fandom have some respect


File: 1393816304480.jpg (64.54 KB, 500x375, 私の顔は.jpg)

>have some respect


People gotta learn that people actually like the comic. The reason no ones been up and at'em with it all is because the writer is taking a break

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