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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice

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Does anyone else here have Avoidant Personality Disorder (AvPD)? I was recently diagnosed but I know I've had it for a long time (I've been a hikki/NEET for most of my life, unfortunately.)

idk just screaming into the void for solidarity im tired


i wasn't officially diagnosed but my therapist was suspecting that i might have it, autism or something along those lines


>Avoidant Personality Disorder
I don't buy the theory that there are "mental disorders." You just develop patterns of behavior imprinted due to how your genetics react to the environment. You can't change your genetics, but you can change your environment. Of course, it's hard when you feel socially rejected and that then compounds itself into a self-fulfilling prophesy.


I heard something similar but decided not to pursue a formal diagnosis because A) he said it was mild and B) I didn't want it to become a self-fulfilling prophecy


i refuse to entertain this unless youve been diagnosed by a doctor, cause otherwise i assume youre some underage kid larping.



> underage kid larping

holy fuck omori playerbase reference?


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i dont know much of the fandom, although im aware of the reputation. regardless, sunny is cute.


I always thought I did, but I tend not to put too much stock into diagnoses and stuff since I keep to myself anyway and it doesn't really affect the few other people in my life. From what I've heard getting things diagnosed sucks and forces you to talk to a lot of people which I don't care to do if I don't really have to lol

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