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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice

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Does anyone feel fundamentally different from other people?

Like there's an insurmountable wall separating you from everyone else that you won't ever be able to overcome. Even with all the riches and a perfect life on the surface there would still be distance.

Ever since I was a kid I was the "weird kid." At home I was an unwanted child. It really just feels like I'm not supposed to exist, but do anyway, as some glitch in the matrix. And all the forces in the universe are desperately trying to bug fix my existence.

I feel very little loyalty towards the world, humanity, or society.


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Well, not really like a matrix error or similar, but since the pandemic I've felt considerably out of touch with people. As someone with Asperger's, I have never been one of many friends or being recognized but even so you don't feel like you are on a different planet. But since then, I now see and feel things very differently than others, to the point that you feel like an island separate from the rest of the lands. I remember as a child having zero ideas of these thoughts and living happily in that stupid but beautiful innocence of the world. Sometimes I feel that social networks have had something to do with it, but I don't even have clear evidence, so I can't say anything about it.

That, and even when you try to talk or minimally socialize, your head doesn't stop thinking about what things you might have said that made you look ridiculous or that you wasted someone's time. Even playing something online you feel totally out of touch with other players.


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Yeah op it’s called autism spectrum disorder



You say that, and maybe in jest, but my issue feels more like an outbound issue where autism is more of an inbound issue. I can read other people just fine, maybe too well, I overthink every little facial twitch. But when it's my turn to act, it's like I'm pretending to be human and doing so very poorly.

I wish I was autistic because then I'd have a group of people I could potentially relate to.


>I overthink every little facial twitch

Someone else that suffer that. Great.


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I was only saying it partially in jest. As a diagnosed autist, I did see a lot of my experience in your post, and this reply actually confirmed my suspicions further. The hyperattentiveness to people’s expressions is actually just as autistic as a lack of attentiveness, as I can attest personally. The ‘pretending to be human’ comment is especially poignant to me, for a while in my childhood I genuinely thought I was an alien who couldn’t assimilate into society because of my alien traits. Op, I’m not a doctor so I can’t and won’t diagnose you here, but I will say about 6 of my peers have been formally diagnosed with it since I introduced the idea to them. It’s worth a look, I think. Lol

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