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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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I was thinking about Youtubers, Twitch streamers and people who get paid for basically being on the internet and doing something that a monkey could.
These people could easily qualify as NEET, right? They spend up to 8 hours or more a day playing videogames or vlogging or something and most of their income comes from their fans.
Yet nobody really bats an eye at them other than the occasional angry dude that gets way too bent out of shape over people getting money from fans rather than employers. But with NEETs there's a higher level of stigma, telling them they're parasites and that they need to work on themselves and conform. Is the difference really as subtle as simply getting money? Or providing a service, even if it has little to no effect on society and the person's community?
What makes the difference in the way a NEET and someone who turns their hobby and cult of personality into a "job"?
Also have any NEETs here attempted this? Would you?
Is it viable? etc etc


The difference is source of income. Those people are ideally self-sufficient. Nobody is forced to give them money out of some sense of obligation or becuase the government told them to. People chose to give it becuase they enjoy the service they provide. People see neets as parasities becuase they are given resources by people who don't really have as much of a choice in the matter.


They are "entertainers" in some pervert way. They got famous in somehow, through their friends or a meme, and poof. It's either connection or luck. It's not always been like this, it just turnt into this mess when money got involved.

Ten years ago, if you said you have 10 000 subscripers on youtube (which was a lot back then) people would ask "That's a waste of time, making content for internet strangers" Now they'd ask how much money you can get from it.


people like us could never do the same because we lack charisma and personality. All those popular people on youtube are sociable and likable and if you are a zombie nobody would want to listen to the shit you have to say. Then also most popular youtubers have their own style and personality. SOmething that makes them unique and likable.

I noticed there are increasingly retarded people who would rather watch other people playing videogames than playing them themselves. I am also disgusted by those let's play videos. Whenever I get stuck in a game and watch for a walkthrough I get those trashy let's plays suggested instead. The ultimate perversion is people trying to monetize their spiritual diarrhea.


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Slightly off topic, but how does one gain charisma? Conversations? Small talk? Books?
Being born with it can't be the only way.


How to win friends and influence people is a pretty popular book on the subject. Charism is mostly a lack of inhibition when talking to others, which some people are born with and others have to practice.


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>I noticed there are increasingly retarded people who would rather watch other people playing videogames than playing them themselves.

It just feels less lonely that way, anon


It's kinda the art of not giving a fuck. When people stress you out, you don't say what you want to say, you don't present yourself naturally (which is very off-putting), and the unpleasantness of your situation gets communicated so you can come off negatively.
Don't just be yourself, be yourself and say fuck it


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>have any NEETs here attempted this? Would you?
I would but I'm too socially retarded and unlikable for fame


>I noticed there are increasingly >retarded people who would rather watch >other people playing videogames than >playing them themselves.

It might have something to do with developers getting increasingly lazy/incompetent, and instead of spending time on optimizing their shit like they used to for 30+ years, they just rely on ever-increasing raw hadrware performance.

This, and the fact that we live in an age where most people slave away just to barely make enough to survive. There's no way these people could afford a PC that cost more than a decent car, only to become obsolete within a year anyway.

Don't be an elitist. There are some playthrough videos that are quite well done. Caption-based or no commentary, straightforward playing style, going through all small details, no self-promotion, no drama.


And yes, I'm a retard as well for not knowing how to format quoted messages.


We live in weird times.


There are only two steps to becoming socially likeable.
1. Provide others with enjoyable and amusing reactions, making them feel as if their presence is enjoyed.
2. Never talk about yourself, ask lots of amusing questions, if asked provide very little and then spin the question their way.


>Never talk about yourself, ask lots of amusing questions, if asked provide very little and then spin the question their way.
I fucking wish it actually worked that way.


because a NEET is too afraid to show their face or voice on the internet


haven't attempted it, don't know how, but it's definitely a matter of income. money can erase any sin


Yeah I don't like the e celebs either but tbh if I had the opportunity I'd need the money.


What a bullshit strawman. You can get a decent mid range PC for $500 that will last you years. My current one is several years old and still runs everything on max or high settings with 60fps no problem. Only an idiot thinks a PC is obsolete 1 year after being built.


What an ignorant shithead.

Because everyone is from the US, or any decent place…


Chinese hardware is dirt cheap. Unless you're a fag who has no income a PC is within reach of everyone these days. India is full of PCs and it's full of dirt poor street shitters.


>Chinese hardware is dirt cheap.

You mean those counterfeit/factory reject parts? I would love to watch you play recent games on a PC made from those…

>Unless you're a fag who has no income a PC is within reach of everyone these days.

Translation: "I know better what goes on in your country than you do, faggot!"

>India is full of PCs and it's full of dirt poor street shitters.

We were not talking about PCs that can barely run Windows itself. We were talking about gaming PCs, remember?


You have talked yourself into a paranoid delusion about PC costs and functionality. Nothing I can say will talk you out of it because you use it as an excuse for your failings.




>Translation: "I know better what goes on in your country than you do, faggot!"



I think the answer to "Why is it like this" is that most people simply receive their opinions from others by tradition and don't think about things that much themselves, this leads to massive inertia when it comes to 'major' changes to perception and organisation of society. Their opinions are also very much aligned with their own PERCEIVED economic interests - central banks create money out of nothing, lend it to government and banks, creating a 'debt hierarchy' that most people are too busy caught up in climbing to question. Because of the amount of wealth, stability, etc in the world today most people in this hierarchy ARE doing relatively well for themselves (at the expense of those below them), most of these people are also very focused on the idea of climbing high enough in the hierarchy that they can essentially either live without working by relying on those lower in the hierarchy, or live and work for personal fulfillment with an increasingly luxurious lifestyle. NEETS under this system have little to no resources to really even express their views as individuals let alone politically organise to the point of creating coherent and loud enough narratives to 'convince' a bunch of people to stop climbing the hierarchy in the interests of everyone.

This is something you might experience first hand directly from wagies. The wagies in my family all have this internalised mentality that because they work and I don't, they are justified in treating me like dirt, practically. They partly do this because they RESENT the fact that you're surviving without doing the work they are, and probably resent you too for having slightly more independence and strength of character to resist. These people are absorbed in climbing the hierarchy most of the time and so they don't have the time to consider more rational systems. In some funny ways, NEETs have more in common with the super-rich leisure classes than the average person working away at their job, because the elites have time and leisure to consider alternatives.

The irrationality and unfairness of the present system could never be more obvious - I have spoken to multiple people who simply inherited so much money that they'll never have to work a day in their lives, while other people wear their bodies and minds out day after day serving people who are higher up in the hierarchy. Lots of people simply repress any awareness of all of this, though - because as I said they're trying to get more for themselves. Many people are selfish and petty. NEETs tend to be more sensitive and thoughtful as a class almost by definition.

One hilarious example I see again and again is the type of reactionary boomer Trump type who seems dedicated to shouting down all the very things that might actually help HIM ultimately, but won't even acknowledge them because defending their precious ego is valued more. So for example if you advocate forms of wealth re-distribution today, you're still met with hysterical cries of 'communism' from time to time, and references to Gulags, etc - and yet most of those people don't even know WHY they associate communism with a loss of personal rights. The average adult today is already taxed to a high rate to contribute to a vast government bureaucracy.

A few years ago here in Australia, Tony Abbott reinstated 'work for the dole' which all the reactionaries and 'pol' types were in love with, even though the SAME GUY at the very same time was pushing for FULL paid maternity leave for 6 months for women - meaning a single mother earning 120k could take off 6 months and get her full pay from the GOVERNMENT, not even her business. This 'work for the dole' scheme provided cheap labour for various 'charity' organisations in Australia (this principally benefits the already existing full-time staff of those organisations, admin workers earning GOOD money - on average 80% of these employees are women). So now your average 'battler' male, the VERY type who was more likely to vote for Abbott, who is more subject to short periods of unemployment, would end up forced onto work for the dole, slaving away in jobs that might have otherwise existed in the market if work for the dole didn't exist (one example I saw was an anecdote of a lawnmower dude who lost his job due to lack of business being assigned to the very laws he had once been paid properly to work on).

Most people just shut their eyes and stick their fingers in their ears when you point out the insanity of the system as it exists. They'd rather not have their feelings aroused or upset.

So TLDR; we were lied to about modern 'democratic' society being 'enlightened' and 'rational'. People are too absorbed and\or ignorant to bother seeing these things and don't care to change them, and the system is powerful and well-financed.
eed to do it.


>What makes the difference in the way a NEET and someone who turns their hobby and cult of personality into a "job"?

One thing about this is that you might not realise it, but a disproportionate amount of those who become successful Youtubers etc today are already from middle\upper-middle class families, with a degree of leisure and enough spare money to try things out without risking falling into poverty. It boils my blood to think of the number of talentless youtubers who get paid by a megacorporation to repeat memes that were made for free by people 10 years ago. They pillage the public sphere for their own selfish purposes, ruining internet culture and prostituting everything, and most of them don't even really need the money.

You're also mostly only seeing the 'successes' when you see these 'Youtube celebs' online. If you look around you can find people who tried hard, and even put in a lot of effort and got nowhere on Youtube, and even then you're looking at those who tried to make a go of things on Youtube, rather than the many more people trapped slaving away in wage labour or stuck in NEET obscurity.


very good post i agree

very good post i agree

i dont like any of the other posts.

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