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/flow/ - .flow


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File: 1417724608411.png (317 B, 320x240, Screenshot 2014-12-04 20.1….png)


downloaded 0.192 today and played about in the save file in the Debug room- found a Xmas Present.


File: 1417724815112.png (46.75 KB, 660x522, Sabitsuki xmas hat.png)

sorry Let me try again Screen print doesn't like .flow fullscreen


What the hell's going on with your debug room? I'm playing 0.192 and even RPG Maker doesn't show half the stuff in yours.


not a clue, the Version I downloaded off of mediafire (think it was the fangame wiki) had two saves, one with all effects and one in the debug room shown below.


File: 1418248938821.png (2.29 KB, 256x256, something I did when I was….png)

Sorry. That was me.
I had trouble centering the text in the text boxes because since it was my first attempt at translation I deleted the mojibake spaces like a goddamned idiot and had to keep going back and making sure "is this spaced right??? is this spaced right??"

The fact that I was more focused on doing it quickly just to get it out there was probably why there were so many times I had to keep going back and re-uploading everything over and over again.

It's really just a jimmy-rig translation that I made some big, stupid mistakes on, but it functions.


Even so, how on earth did you turn the debug room into what it looks like in >>2790? Surely that doesn't just come from fiddling with the game text?



Well, of course not. Those are all teleport events in RPGMaker. I probably should've deleted them before I released, but I figured not many people go into .flow's debug room anyways.

The reason there's so many is because I had to keep going back to each area where you got the effect and re-getting the effects over and over to make sure they were centered within the text box. Again, I deleted the mojibake spaces that would've made it easier to handle.

It's really just a result of me making mistakes while hastily trying to make things look properly centered and whatnot.

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