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/fag/ - oboachan fongaem

now yall can't say i don't care about the community
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Only the truest Ubuu niggas still here


hi im new


hi im newer


I remember Dickme Dicki, and the time when it took this site by storm.

I remember the time when all of this site was still NSFW.

I remember the time when people were still working on that hospital-themed fangame that the community of this very site had come up with.

I remember the time when 2kki and .flow got their own boards here.

I remember when there were still little secrets left in YN for people to find.

I remember when Rozencrab was still running this site.

Hell, I even remember /onoff/ on Mikuchan, and how Uboachan came about because Mikuchan died.

And now I look back. It must have been… at least ten years now? Mikuchan, that was like, what, 2007?

So much has changed since then…

And yet, Uboachan is still here.


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>I remember the time when all of this site was still NSFW.
What the hell are you talking about?


i have idea for fangame
you suck penis and swallow cum for effects
there are 24 penises to suck


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fucking genius


How's your therapist doing, regius?


Oh man, somebody actually replied. And you remembered my old username, too.

But it's 4:37 at night and we're on a now-hidden shitposting board on Uboachan, and I'm feeling oddly elated that this place still exists. So I might as well dignify a 2.5 year old reply with another reply.

>How's your therapist doing, regius?

Therapist… let's see, this was in 2018. I think I've had 3 or 4 new therapists since then?

I sort of keep in touch with some of them, but only one of them really replies to messages. She's a good girl, and she'll talk to me whenever I remember that I exist and I drop her a line.

I mean, I'm pretty dysfunctional, and that hasn't really improved. Half the time I can't even comprehend the concept of 'being social' or 'contacting others'. It's honestly ridiculous - ask me about obscure shit like Zoroastrian demonology or the history of the letters v, u and w in the Latin alphabet, and I can explain it effortlessly. But put me in everyday situations and I can't do shit half the time because I get either deadlocked in anxiety or because I simply cannot comprehend lots of simple everyday things.

As you can see, the therapy isn't just for show.

All that aside, though - I absolutely love how this place is still around. I know I said that already, but I mean it.

Seriously. This is bringing back so many warm fuzzy memories of spending late night hours browsing obscure *chans back in like 2009. It's just nostalgic. And this kind of nostalgia is one of the few things that still makes me feel alive.

I love you guys. Seriously.


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Also, finally got the hang of this oekaki stuff. Only took me about a decade.


Hello sei is a fag


>Half the time I can't even comprehend the concept of 'being social' or 'contacting others'. It's honestly ridiculous - ask me about obscure shit like Zoroastrian demonology or the history of the letters v, u and w in the Latin alphabet, and I can explain it effortlessly. But put me in everyday situations and I can't do shit half the time because I get either deadlocked in anxiety or because I simply cannot comprehend lots of simple everyday things.

Too relatable. Talk to me about Gnosticism, or Chaos magick and I sound like a genius. Just dont ask me to drive a car or make dinner. And talking to people? I mean… Im posting on Uboachan lol. And the anxiety thing is spot on for me too, so much stuff I need to do that I just cant make happen.


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Same situation but years ago.

Lately I've been more social then ever and even come away from meeting people more energized then before, when it used to be the opposite.

To get to that point though, I would think back on what was good about my interactions and focus on the good day by day.
Another interesting tool to get yourself more "in the moment" is to focus on your breathing for a second.
And if you realize you compare yourself to others, pull back and remember that you are not them, focus on the experiences available to you in your life, there might be more then you expect.


Sad that this thread seems to be more in touch with reality than most in /hikki/


I pour one out for Madotsuki every night


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