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/cos/ - Cosplay / Conventions

and fashion (now featuring meetups!!)
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My Madotsuki (0.1 vers) cosplay.
I just want to share it with you.

I remade the shirt (pinker and darker) and I hope to make some photos as soon as I can.


Ooh, I love your pictures, I saw them on deviantart. Getting shots by graffiti is a fabulous idea. If you don't mind, I think I'm gonna do the same with my mado cosplay. There's some weird Ghetto Stu Pickles graffiti downtown…http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/417252_4422306800314_490420414_n.jpg



I'd like to second that. This is a really cool shot!


Oww, thanks!
You can do them, of course (and I would like to see them in the near future)!

p.s. cool graffiti lol


haha, I can't wait to get there! I wonder if my friends know any other cool graffiti. There's some cool animals spray painted by the mall, but it's up way too high in a dangerous little ledge ;A;


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There's some graffiti on a building near were I live that looks like David Spector. I need to take a photo of it, it's really great.


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Another photo, at this time manipulated.
Love the result and wanted to share with you.


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Same pose, 0.2 version.


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and there you have another pic


Oh gosh, love the new pics!
I love snow pics of mado cosplays. I don't think I'd ever get my camera person (MY MOM) out there in the snow, though.


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Thanks :)

Btw I used an old tripod and other supports in order to take these shoots, it's boring but easy (so you don't have to "bother" anyone)

I'm so alone, lol



I like the sweater.


Very cute! C: I also like the graffiti. It fits the game very well.


That sweater looks comfy. I want that sweater.


You really have a fitting feeling surging through your cosplay. I'd love to see you in the towel effect.


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Now…another version of Madotsuki.
These colors in the photo are darker than the original.
With the wig, new shirt (I made a different Mado shirt just because of the weather). Don't mind
the kawaiishit pose, it was made jast for fun.

I don't know what kind of shoes should I use. I would like to have some kind of slippers.

If you have to choose, which version of Madotsuki is better?
Should I use red shoes or slippers?


I'd probably try the red slippers.


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Took this pic yesterday with a random Mary I met at a Con.

p.s. I know my head is freaking big… I made it on purpose because I wanted to reproduce the effect of the big head, it makes me smile (it's a stupid explanation about why I chose to make the wig like that but it's ok)

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