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/cos/ - Cosplay / Conventions

and fashion (now featuring meetups!!)
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So my Sabitsuki cosplay is still a WIP, hence the crappy webcam pic, but I'm looking for an opinion on the wig…

I'm thinking I want to muss it up a bit more to get a "bedhead" effect as it's pretty smooth rn but I'm super paranoid about styling wigs aaaa



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Here's a better shot of the wig with a bonus dumb pose.


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Do it anyways


ah, that's really cool~ The wig suits you really really well.


It looks really nice! Maybe use some hair wax to get it a bit more ruffled or spiky.


>It looks really nice! Maybe use some hair wax to get it a bit more ruffled or spiky.

I agree.


Use a more subtle tone of lipstick. A less saturated color like pink would probably blend better with the hair color and skin tone.


for sabi, I think maybe a darker color is better, something that looks kind of sickly. Like, a super dark red that's closer to brown, or maybe black.


Light pink or Dark red. Either way, a less saturated color.


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Well, I wish I had read this thread before leaving for youmacon lol

I also think the makeup ended up too loud? Next time I bring it to a con I'm definitely bringing a more muted red. I did do some extra brush-ups with the makeup, namely adding dark circles under my eyes to try and get the sleep deprived/sick look going.

anyways thanks for the feedback! I'll post a few more pics…


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I bought the pipe only the day before the con, it's literally just a piece of gray pvc pipe. There's even like serial numbers on the side because I didn't even spray paint it. That's my main thing to change; I think an actual iron pipe would be hard to carry around for an entire con, which is what's holding me back from grabbing some iron pipe from home depot or something.


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like not even kidding can i just like steal your face please. you are so pretty.


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ah, you make such a wonderful Sabi~


Definitely an awesome cosplay.


I was looking for a Madotsuki/Sabitsuki cosplayer at Youmacon but never found one. ;.;


Why are almost all Sabi cosplayers 11 out of 10 in the looks department?


there was a Smile there on Saturday but I never saw them ;_; A few people recognized me but like two people thought I was Ivy from Soul Calibur and I also heard "Suigetsu" and "That one Pandora Hearts guy"

anyways omfg you guys are turning my face red I'm so flattered wow haha ./////.



Feel so; you really did a good cosplay of Sabi, or at least we liked it.


omg I'm glad people like it I was super paranoid about it turning out all right~

Basically my to-do list atm for this costume is to get red contacts and replace that half-assed pipe. Not sure about how to do the latter. The thing I like about pvc is how light it is; I don't want to carry a ton of iron around a con for 12 hours. I'm kinda new to props [sabi was my first time cosplaying haha] so any tips here would help a ton lol

I'm wearing it to Shutocon in April so I'm not in a huge hurry either way

additionally I plan on starting an "ask irl sabi" blog on tumblr one of these days. I already have a url hoarded for it, I'm just too lazy to actually start it up…


Have you actually tried a real pipe? Maybe these are not as heavy as you could think.

And, since 'Ask-Oreko!' has died, that 'ask Sabi!' would be good for me.


You can't take real pipes to cons.
PVC pipe.
Just do a black undercoat, and do a sprits paint with metalic over it to give it the "shine" of a pipe. Then put some rust colored paint and some sand MIX THAT SHIT RIGHT THE FUCK UP and paint areas you want for rust.


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Some blood would be awesome too, and damn you can't be so cute it hurts, please die



No? Where's the fun then? D:
What a shame; last time I ever went to a con people brought sharpened katanas….


Where do you go to cons at?!?

Every con I've been too always restricted metal [and sometimes wooden] props from being displayed.

Do you mean sold? Vendors can sell katanas if they're licensed but they have to remain in a box and such around here.


Is your country a dictatorship or the US or something?


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No, no no; cosplayers with katanas, bokens, shit; all that crap. No restrictions. No crys of 'dis iz too dongeruss'.


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Yeah it's U.S. of nofreedom, I envy the life of smaller countries not having the stupidest laws in the world.



I want to live in Finland and speak suomea as good as a finn =(


Tee parhaasi~



joo, yritän; mutta olen a faggot ja minä oppia really really slow.


Marry me.


Wow, it's been a while lol

Anyways, I'm gonna be at shutocon this weekend, and sabi's probably gonna be on sunday!

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