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/cos/ - Cosplay / Conventions

and fashion (now featuring meetups!!)
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File: 1317750954928.jpg (151.09 KB, 424x600, d91237d8865a76c92fad67d576….jpg)


Hey guys what do you think of my Miku cosplay~?

I still need to do something about my hair, though.


All I can see is a big blob of meat and organs with some clothing on it.




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I-I mean um.
M-Maybe if you worked on your complexion some, try out some different make up; maybe try a wig instead of your… hair. I think it might look a bit better. Y-yeah… that.


That's it.

This is the best post I've seen all morning.


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Oh. Eye sea what has been done


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U-uhm, well, you know,
I-if you titled your head a bit, t-then maybe, uhm…




I miss Mr.Edit Button.


I am laughing.
So much harder than I should.


Nice one, Saya!
A little more makeup and it'll be perfect.


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I think if you get these lenses or othe rblue lenses it will really complimemnt your costume! Your eyes are kinda more green then they should be, but since it's nothing too extreme yu don't need extreme lenses. Good luck!


I think she's going to need special contacts.

I-I mean you have super-pretty, kawaii desu loli eyes Saya! Yeah!

Plz don't eat us. ='(


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Okay, Saya, your cosplay sure is something.
But what do you think of Toro's Miku cosplay!
Also needs to have something done about hair though.

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