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/cos/ - Cosplay / Conventions

and fashion (now featuring meetups!!)
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So last year we decided that we'd try to get an Uboachan table at Anime Boston. We missed the date. Now we're going to get this happening.

AniBoston 2013 Planning and Chat
Who's joining us? Let us know if you want to drop in. What should we have there? What do YOU want us to have?

ps: yes this will be stickied for a while.


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love to go… boston is too far, though.

have fun!


Why not Youmacon?


I was actually thinking about going to Boston with my family anyway next year, maybe, just maybe, I can go.
Nobody else in my family likes anime though, and I'm not sure how willing my mom would be to let me go to the con alone, and what my patents would do without me all day…

I guess if I stick with the ubuu group all day it might be cool. You can all act as my bodyguards, I am the Booger PRINCESS after all.

Also I would be in my Madotsuki cosplay. Which I need to take pics of


>> Boston

hf :|


Are most ubuunians west coasters?


I'm moving as far West as I can while remaining in the US. Sakura con is the only Anime con I can *maybe* make because of how close it will be to where I live, but I dunno if I'll have the time or money.


well potentially the next year after that I can see about getting a get-together at sakuracon. I was already planning to go this year but due to the issues happening at the time i canceled.


Ah, it feels bad to live relatively far away.


what do you mean by "table," OP?


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>mfw I live in Missouri


A table, booth. Small setup to do things. I'm not exactly positive that we'll get one. Writer honestly knows more about it.


I'd stop by. '13 will be my first AB. I might bring my Madotsuki cosplay for Sunday, but I'm not totally sure yet.


whoo! I live almost right next door to boston! Id love to see this happen.



I'd love to go! when's the date?



I'd love to go! when's the date?


I had kept planning thinking it was at the end of march, but now it's at the end of may.

Crap! But yes you guys need to know information and I forgot to link the page:


This probably doesn't need to be stickied anymore.


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did this actually happen and i missed it

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