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/cos/ - Cosplay / Conventions

and fashion (now featuring meetups!!)
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started remaking my Mado costume! i think it looks pretty good so far


Symbol seems a bit big, but I got to say I love how the shirt and skirt fit on you. I can see a bit of your hair, seeing as you have long hair are you going to use your real hair or a wig?
Either way, I am looking forward to seeing your progress!


thank you! i will be using my real hair. :)


I can't wait to see! Post face pictures?
Are you planning on using this costume for any upcoming cons or…?


I might do a make up test this weekend, I'll post some then :D
And yes, I'm wearing it for EXPcon in St. Augustine, FL.


Ohh! Speaking of Make-up I'm shopping around for some tomorrow for my SMILE cosplay.
Either way, I can't wait to see your make up tests. Remember to post pictures of that con.


Love it xD
All we need is face pics =3
I cant think of anything you need besides possible an effect you would be able to change to at will =) don't forget to post pics of the after !


oh i saw your thread! You make a really awesome Smile. i cosplay Sabitsuki as well so it's really cool to see other .flow cosplayers surfacing.
thank you! i'm still trying to figure out which effect i'm going to have; i may bring a flute or just buy a party store knife and use that. :)


*w* I want to see I want to see I want to see I want to see I want to see I want to see.
Can I see your Sabitsuki Cosplay?
Thank you very much! I'm still working on the cosplay, and it needs a lot of work. ; a; but I hope I can make all of Uboachan proud.
I'm pretty happy too; I'm trying to get more of my friends whom cosplay into Yume Nikki and .Flow, I might even have a Sabitsuki to pair with by Shutocon or Otakon.


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Your costume is looking awesome!

My madotsuki cosplay was a really last minute idea. I've been wanting to post my pic in this board but I was too scared. So yeah… :x


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Here's a pic! ^^ And i'm sure your costume will turn out great once it's finished. if you get a group be sure to post lots of pics!

you look adorable!


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oh this is just another one i quite liked~


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Thank you! I had a really fun time cosplaying the character.This picture is my favorite one. :D


You look amazing! Did you have a post about this before everything went to archive, because it looked familiar. Either way, now I'm extra-excited for the rest of your Madot cosplay.
Apparently another cosplayer named Konan from this site is supposed to be a Kaibutsu up at Youmacon. c: So if worse comes to worse, we'll atleast have that.


That is a great shot. I'm really hoping I can get some good pictures of my Mado when it's finished.

Thank you! Yep I did a while ago, with some really shit unedited pictures. ;;
And that would be really cool! I've yet to see a Kaibutsu cosplay. If I ever went to a con as Sabi I'd love to have a group. *w*




I want a Sabitsuki to cosplay with so bad. :< I might consider trying trying to do a Kaibutsu next.
Great Background! I don't really know where I would take pictures of my Smile cosplay when I finish; I might try and photoshop some backgrounds or something.


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Thanks you guys! I hope both of you two would find an awesome spot to do a photoshoot! :D


You totally should! I've really been wanting to cosplay the pigtail Kaibutsu. I think it'd be a lot of fun.

Pretty! *u*


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I'm unsure which Kaibutsu I would try to do; most likely bob-cut Kaibutsu. [Though I do find the Pigtail one to be the cutest.] Though no matter what, I doubt I'll have both ready for Youmacon, so I'll probably.
Now if only I had a little sister to cosplay SISTER with me. :<



There's always next year! If I go as a pigtailed Kaibutsu again we can be Kaibutsu buddies xD

I just wish I had a friend in general who was into Yume Nikki or its fangames but yeah the Sister thing would be cool. I personally wish I had a Sabi with me to chase :c


Kaibutsu buddies!
That sounds both disturbing and orgasmic at the same time.
Agreed, I tried to get my friends into it, but none of them are really fans.
by the way; you still need to post pictures of your kaibutsu cosplay you're making.



Yeah I don't think any of my friends would be into these sort of things either. I've talked about the games to them but they didn't seem interested.

I will, just we were suppose to head back to my fiance's grandma's yesterday to work on the mask but she had to go to Canada and I need to find time still to get my wig trimmed. My outfit is all done though but I don't think a shirt, skirt, and tie are impressive enough for a picture. I'll try and see if anybody has a card so I can take stuff off my phone. Stupid thing has a USB cable for the computer to share files and it refuses to work every time


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I really didn't like the way my real hair looked with fake bangs, so I decided to go with a wig! I wish I could cut the bangs straight but I need to use this wig for another cosplay. Maybe in the future I'll get one with straight bangs, but I guess this'll do for now. :)


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You're so very adorable! *W* I absolutely love the cosplay regardless, and I think that the wig actually fits quite well. Though I am excited for when the new wig comes along.


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Ahh thank you! C: I really appreciate that.

(last facepic, i swear! i just took this one a few seconds ago and really liked it.)


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This is relevant to my interests.


Everyone here is a girl except me… ._.


I'm male too, don't worry.


is this because i cosplay monoe…because i'm a guy 97% of the time.


I'm a guy too, but I'm gay so I don't think it counts as much x)


Marry me Shilo <3


hi guys i'm back! had a wonderful weekend at EXPcon, wore Mado on saturday night and sunday afternoon. sadly i didn't get any pics because my photographer canceled on me at the last minute. :c i may be able to find some not-so-hideous ones on the internet after everyone finishes uploading though! :D


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oop also i did a test for my dress effect Sabitsuki costume last night <: just thought i'd share~!




Wow, you're pretty. +_+

I wish was pretty. Insead, I'm UPSER MANLY.



You are doing something impossible; you can't use the dress and pipe effects at the same time! :P
Anyways, you look great, but I can't see the rest of the outfit. I guess it's not done yet though, right?
Hat looks good though…I think; I haven't seen the dress effect in a while, xD

Another reason not worry is that rule of the internet that says "there are no girls on the internet"…Just ignore all of the proof that girls ARE on the internet, heh heh. XP




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hax ;)

ah yeah i kinda wanted to get a shot of the full costume, so i just had to take some in front of my closet. i'll have to wait til i wear this to a con to get some pretty photos. :3 also i made the armbands, but they literally broke -right- before i went to take these pictures. :c i'll remake them by the time i get a proper photoshoot~


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It kind of makes me cringe how I can tell half these cosplays are actually guys.
[S]And that they actually aren't half bad[/S]


>>190 Dammit….


I love your legs.


I never realized how scary looking the dress effect actually was until now.
It looks oh so good! I'd love to see some more pictures featuring this costume.
I wonder how it looks with the armbands.

I didn't get to mention that your regular Sabitsuki and Madotsuki costumes look good too. And not just the costumes, I also really like the pictures themselves; it's more art than anything else…Or something like that, Xp


thank you! C:

i'm so totally female though ;^;


Marry me


I realize this is super old, but where did you get that turtleneck and skirt? *o*

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