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/cos/ - Cosplay / Conventions

and fashion (now featuring meetups!!)
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File: 1327871688044.jpg (280.66 KB, 768x1024, SAM_0986.JPG)


Cosplayed for the first time ever this weekend at Ohayocon as everyone's favorite derpy space pianist! Sorry about the crap quality of the pic. I doubt it will be the last time I cosplay as Masada, so I thought I might get some critiquing and/or advice as to what to do for his eyes. Surprisingly enough, at least 15 or so people recognized me without going full derp, (is there some correlation between Homestuck fans and Yume Nikki? because most of the people who recognized me were cosplaying Homestuck trolls, haha). Is the piano belt a good touch or no?


Hey! We saw you there; we stopped to tell you that you JUST missed our sabi/mado cosplays. Lol. Your piano belt was a nice touch by the way.


Yes, the piano belt is AWESOME.
And by that I mean it's very cool.
Other than that, I think this cosplay looks pretty cool.
It'd be nice to see some other pics, maybe in different lighting.

As for advice, unfortunately I don't have any (right now at least).

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