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/cos/ - Cosplay / Conventions

and fashion (now featuring meetups!!)
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It would be absolutely lovely if we could have a group videochat session, showing off cosplays, or well just discussing cosplays. I suggest a Tinychat, personally. I wouldn't mind making an account and admining it if you guys wanted to use it.


i think uboachan has a tinychat room… but it's been a long time since it's been used. we do have a skype group chat but only people with the newer version of skype would be able to group video, and you'd have to make a new group for it since everyone doesnt have it >:

just asked irc. i think it was an instant chatroom where you just type a name after tinychat.com/ .


ah this actually sounds like it would be fun someone pick a date and time or something? I'd like to have some excuse to wear my Shiati-san cosplay again


This should work for a room, Saturdays are generally the days which I do cosplay stuff, so hopefully we could get around then.
Of course, you're all free to organize and gather at your own inclination.



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