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/cos/ - Cosplay / Conventions

and fashion (now featuring meetups!!)
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File: 1324515208870.jpg (47.91 KB, 500x667, uboaaaaaaaafishnets.jpg)


Oh hi everyone.

Who's there?
Humorously sexualized uboa.
Humorously sexualized uboaああああああああああああああああ

(wore this to metrocon 2011)


aaaaaaaaaaあああああああああwwww yea


That's a good costume. XD

Where do you see through though?


I didn't really. The black fabric was pretty thin so I made sure my eyes always lined up with it, but I also had to look forward and peek out of the bottom pretty often to avoid stepping on anyone's toes and such. The entire face is attached to a hood so if I needed to get somewhere really fast or otherwise come up for light/air I would just put the hood down and flip all the fabric over my back and become a civilian with fishnets and a cape.


Wow. Sounds pretty cool! >=3
And easy to use…Sort of (the seeing part sounds like a possible challenge).
Stuff that transforms is always cool though.

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