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/cos/ - Cosplay / Conventions

and fashion (now featuring meetups!!)
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ok, time to try and bring this /cos/ board back from the depths of hell.
anyone try to cosplay this chill motherfucker?
He is my plan for ACEN this spring, and i was wondering about all of your headcannons on him.
i was thinking a half-sphere head and a purple jumpsuit/buisness casual.
or another route would be a thick coin-like head and a buiness suit.
mix and match between those, of course.
for the main e shape, I always saw it as a noodle-y structure, so for the sake of fitting my head i was thinking a half noodle mounted onto the face plate, perhaps from model magic or foam, for a lower weight.
I'm giving him arms despite his sprite not really showing any, mostly because no arms and low vision is dangerous.
anything else to be said/done?
at ACEN my bro and I are planning on decking out as e man and the speaker dude/flute effect guy, and chillin on couches in the lobby, sneezin on catgirls. If you are headed to ACEN feel free to come chill with us


oh FUCK yes

i always wanted to cosplay as him but im not comfortable with it ): so i wanted to do toriningen and have someone go with me as e-man! MY OTP ;_; <3

oh man that sounds like a great plan. i wish i could go and say hi.



man, a toriningen would be the most awesome thing to run into, but I think I'll be lucky to spot ANY other Yume Nikki cosplays D:
do you like any of the design styles i listed better than the others? I'm still indecisive, especially about his clothing.


i think a combination of the ideas would work. or the second one.


Hmm, I think maybe go with the coin-like head (if that means it'll be a thick flat "e").
And I like suits, so that's what I vote for. =3
I don't know if this makes sense but: since e-man doesn't appear to have arms, I just feel that he would have sleeves longer than his arms. So maybe long sleeves that cover your hands? (unless it's to dangerous to have your hands covered by the sleeves with limited visibility and all that)


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making a thicker, over sized helmet kind of thing for E-mans face would be good, and the added bonus of having one or both of the holes to have a easy to see though material in them so you can see more, just suggesting though, I know how much of a bitch limited vision can be and you never want to go a con alone with it.
I'm siding more with a purple suit really.


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I agree. A PURPLE suit. XD
A dark purple I suppose.

Although…what about some strange business suit-jumpsuit combination?
Also, I always thought it looked like he had slacks or something…but I don't know if that would go well in the costume.


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ok, so here are somethings i drew up quickly while waiting for finals.
I think i might NOT do a suit despite really wanting to, because purple suits are expensive and difficult to obtain, and i just bought a white suit last october for my Doc Scratch (homestuck crap) costume I'm also taking to ACEN.
I will be looking at suits anyways, as well as several collared jackets and jumpsuits.


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ALSO I realize that I flipped the e shape on the drawing, it will be correct in the actual helmet.


i always thought e-man was just loungin' with his arms behind the back of the chair like a boss.


that is what i always saw too until i got a closer look and saw the dots on either side seem to be couch material.
he is getting arms either way


If you can't get a suit, I think the casual one looks pretty good too (though I really love tha suit).

I'm not really sure about the head now. The hybrid one looks pretty good, but it makes it look like his head could be something other than an "e"; and I personally think his head is all "e". On the other hand, I'm not sure how the coin one would look from the side for real; although it at least wouldn't look like a human head.


all I'm worried about with the coin shape is that it will need to be pretty big if i want proportions AND for it to fit my head, although it would be way easier to do than the hybrid.
I'm going to actually measure my head when i get an extra hand or two, and then I will know for sure what kind of proportions this would have to be.
I want it to be a perfect circle shape, not too thick, and not too thin so that it cannot fit my head with EASE. I have experience with having large globes and gerbil balls on my head for hours at a time, and the hardest part aside from seeing is getting it on and off.
Once my family's holiday hubub is done I am headed to the stores to check out clothing. If i photograph suits and various uniforms would any of you care to judge them for how well they would work?


another thing is getting close to the color in suit form. I know a tacky suit shop that is decently priced, but even decently priced suits may become difficult to afford. we shall see though. If anything I will save up and buy one anyways, and if I miss the con date I will have something else to wear as back up for it.


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oops. im posting this here so i have it in case i need fast reference


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I'll be glad to give my opinion on anything you can find (not that I'm an expert or anything).

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