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/cos/ - Cosplay / Conventions

and fashion (now featuring meetups!!)
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hi guys.
I'm sorry I didn't upload this earlier, as I lost the file.
I apologize that my wig is not white, I'm working on it.
This was pretty much an out of closet cosplay, so it sucks.


I think it looks great, your facial structure really compliments the wig despite it not being white. Some make-up to make you look a bit more sickly that'd really compliment it. I can't wait to see progress, I'm really excited to see the rest of this cosplay.



it looks good keep going (:


I agree, but it was "pretty much an out of closet" cosplay; so chances of it continuing are low perhaps?
I too would want to see more though. =3

You should be able to dye wigs if it's made of real hair, right? *assumption* XD

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