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/cos/ - Cosplay / Conventions

and fashion (now featuring meetups!!)
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Anybody going?


I'm going!

I'm the Kaibutsu cosplayer down a few threads. Nobody's eaten the Uboa cake I made so I'll probably bring that too!


I'm going.. but I'm cosplaying Silent Hill and not Yume :(


I went and didn't even see a single Uboa or Madotsuki :(


There was a Sabitsuki, and another Smile. C: I was pretty surprised and pleased, me and the Sabitsuki became friends.
I only saw you once, I wanted to take a picture of you, but I was rushing to my room. :< Shame, it looked good though.~
Aww. Could have always used more Yume.
There wasn't any there that I saw, unfortunately.

Either way, Great year. I didn't take too many pictures unfortunately, my Photoshoot with the Sabitsuki I found got canceled. Else I'd be flooding this thread with pictures.



I know I looked for you the rest of the weekend too but I was happy I did get to see you at least once ;w;

It was chaos this whole weekend though xD

The bottom of my mask was falling apart by day 3 so I didn't dress up on Sunday. I spent most of Saturday night sitting in hallways and staring off into space to see how many people I could scare. Even if a lot of people didn't know who I was I creeped out quite a few con-goers. It was fun none-the-less



There was a Sabitsuki?! Ugh.. yeah I'm >>165 >>166 and saw Konan from far away. I gave up on my James cosplay after friday so I just wore black and white angel wings on Saturday. I didn't take enough pictures really

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