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/cos/ - Cosplay / Conventions

and fashion (now featuring meetups!!)
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Hey /cos/
I'm planning to cosplay as Madotsuki at a convention this year, and I just wanted to make sure there aren't any flaws in my plan.

Sweater: http://i.cubeupload.com/QJJfs9.jpg
I was thinking I could sew on the design? I'm only an amateur at sewing, though. Barely even that. Will I have difficulty with this? Will it stay on? Not to mention I'd have to change inside the convention. Since it's going to be hot outside.

Skirt: http://i.cubeupload.com/OMICwV.jpg

Wig: http://i.cubeupload.com/epy2TP.jpg
I'm planning to trim it a bit across the bangs.

Socks: http://i.cubeupload.com/G0TbFd.jpg

Shoes: http://i.cubeupload.com/VbGvOJ.jpg


Oh, and, uh…I apologize for the amount of times I said "plan", by the way. I'm just a little nervous is all. Not exactly a people person.


Looks good to me, although I personally think that a more burgundy skirt would've been better.

What convention is it btw?


Otakon. I went last year cosplaying as Madoka Kaname. So this is my second time going. (Still a little nervous, of course.) Hopefully I'll be able to take a picture with or of that really cool Vincent Brooks cosplayer I saw last year.

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