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/cos/ - Cosplay / Conventions

and fashion (now featuring meetups!!)
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Im going to this place, is anyone else? It seems like a good time and if you see a girl with short brown hair wearing the shirt above then make some snarky comment about ubuu. We can chill and whatnot. I shall be fucked up enough to hopefully be retarded so beware.


Yeah this was total bust. I brought afriend that doent like anime, lightly plays video games and doesnt geek out about anything but music. We went to a panel and she almost fell asleep. After only 4 hours of being there she wanted to leave because she had to drive and didnt want to be drunk. I really wanted to stay but instead we all just got fucked up at my place. But it was fu n while it lasted. Never briging a normie to any kind of con again.

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