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/c/ - Characters

Madotsuki and Friends
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File: 1326578661363.png (99.62 KB, 391x820, 12936503293.png)


Neon Parrot doesn't have a thread yet? Must fix.


Hell, even I'll admit that pic is kind of cute.


File: 1326668887744.png (407.05 KB, 900x720, monoko__s_friend_by_icosa_….png)

I think so too. (: I really like the characters-in-masks-idea.


File: 1327020115763.png (41.6 KB, 246x277, 1272316215382.png)

I always thought the character was kinda cute


that's a great picture. thank you for sharing.


Thank you!


File: 1329761338582.png (9.98 KB, 327x274, tumblr_ls1pyo3wHb1qc6hqq.png)

Here is some for ya'


File: 1329761379476.jpg (7.05 KB, 256x146, yume-nikki-neon-parrot_171….jpg)

So, who here likes minecraft?


File: 1330323465962.png (11.23 KB, 357x330, neon_parrot_by_foodfordog-….png)


I really wish that there were official Yume Nikki plushies, I would so get a plushie of this. :"D


What gender do most of you view Neon Parrot? I kinda see him as a guy.


File: 1330859120639.jpg (137.13 KB, 900x720, yn___let_me_show_you_some_….jpg)

Hell. Yes. As a matter of fact, I think I'll make one. If it turns out well, would you like me to make you one, too?
I always saw him as a male character, for whatever reason.


For some reason he reminds me of a wise sage, or nasu, or the toringenegnege. (I can't spell.)

The neon green around his mask looks like a beard to me.

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