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/test/ - Testing and Debug

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even more


even more testerising


More and more tester ising



Even oh the more testerising.



(hopefully) final test. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Hello dear USA, name is Takashi. Sandnigger will launch pizza party for you this november. I hope you invite me.


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What kind of pizza is it?

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Here, a template test.


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>not adapted to the other styles.


>not adapted to the other styles
You're right about this.

Even thought it says 2014 on the OP, I used Microsoft Office Powerpoint to create this template. Has anyone tried this before?


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As far as I know, the only person (outside of the staff) who ever touched anything regarding themes of the site is me (saya also worked on something, but I don't know more than that) when I made the Rei/Zero style, since a lot of people were complaining about the readability of Ubuu's original theme.
The problem is that back then I didn't consider the ban section, mod log, rules and such (you will notice some disparities in the color of titles and body, background etc), and I've been holding for a while since I didn't want to bug sei too much with minimal updates and tweaks instead of more polished changes, and after that I forgot I was working on it.
I could give it a try and see if I can integrate this to R/Z, if anyone is interested.

I don't know if Y/YB had their templates in order, though, since I was never banned while using those.


>the problem is that back then I didn't consider the ban section, mod log, rules and such (you will notice some disparities in the color of titles and body, background etc), and I've been holding for a while since I didn't want to bug sei too much with minimal updates and tweaks instead of more polished changes, and after that I forgot I was working on it; could give it a try and see if I can integrate this to R/Z, if anyone is interested
>N/A if Y/YB had their templates in order, though, since I was never banned while using those
I don't know either. But I used Powerpoint and 'blanked out' the text while keeping the template afloat. It's before they updated the site.

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testing multiple images


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hahahaha when Nami told you that /test/ was a better place to test post they didn't mean come and try it here too, what the fuck was the point of that?


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Testing a weird bug.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


test again


test test




testing captcha


up test

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ut euismod ante. Proin at condimentum tortor. Nunc molestie turpis ac enim tincidunt vulputate. Nulla a enim et lorem pulvinar mollis a at velit. Vestibulum lacus tortor, tempus nec velit nec, congue luctus ligula. Maecenas vel ipsum ultricies nibh tempus faucibus nec non nulla. Cras vel libero non neque lobortis lacinia nec interdum nisl. Cras quis commodo urna. Quisque nec libero ultrices, semper purus ac, dictum ipsum. Pellentesque dapibus tellus a iaculis ultrices. Pellentesque vel neque libero. Sed non ante nisl. Sed et rhoncus augue, non facilisis erat.

Vivamus cursus consequat ullamcorper. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus consectetur ex vel eleifend rhoncus. In a mollis metus. Vestibulum ullamcorper aliquam egestas. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque a est viverra, rhoncus libero id, congue nulla. Duis eleifend massa et turpis molestie faucibus. Maecenas a quam rhoncus, auctor erat nec, ullamcorper ante. Integer in dictum erat, vel posuere dui. Etiam arcu erat, pulvinar vel risus in, condimentum mollis leo. Duis cursus sed tortor quis dapibus. In convallis neque nunc, eget congue ligula vulputate eu. Proin pellentesque congue leo, at posuere quam sodales luctus. Aliquam tempor tincidunt velit ac varius.

Vestibulum ac mollis justo. Vestibulum viverra diam eu felis porta condimentum. Fusce quis pulvinar leo. Etiam vel gravida sem. Ut ac ultrices libero, ut lobortis felis. Aliquam sagittis orci sit amet dolor aliquam vehicula. Etiam mattis sapien id felis dictum, id dapibus est luctus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Duis eu viverra dolor, pharetra rutrum sapien.

Phasellus viverra, orci nec ultricies hendrerit, augue ante tempor dolor, non volutpat lorem urna non nibh. Fusce vitae ipsum a elit vestibulum sagittis. Nulla facilisi. Morbi a laoreet massa. Sed iaculis porttitor tortor, et vehicula nisl. Suspendisse potenti. Proin molestie bibendum nisi eu tempor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer dignissim vel neque quis efficitur. Integer vitae tortor eget nisl porta faucibus quis ut neque. Nulla facilisi. Etiam mauris enim, ultricies at arcu quis, scelerisque lobortis nisl. Donec lorem massa, dignissim id nibh sed, venenatisPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Testing Post
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and again~



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