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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice

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Any winners?
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No, I couldn't even win at this


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Almost a bingo, huh

I hate my life


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Actually, you got diagonal double bingo.


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thought I'd hit a lot less than I did but here I am

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Im a neet too, a neet for many many years

I dont like to whine, not fond of self piety as its painfull and dangerous

Im prety good at avoiding reality with games, animes and random interests I cant keep for longer than a week

Life sucks but I cant fuck my family over with suicide. They arent the best but I cant do that.

Im 36 and despite being intelligent and talented with words , I have no skills, no degrees and no experience.

Nowadays ive been more and more unable to block reality as the rope is slowly tightened around my neck. Despair is starting to settle in and im looking for a way out of this shit.

Good thing is my parents might last for a few years and I can still train myself and try to get a job even when im so old.
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as a working programmer who did not start at 10 and used to feel the same way this is almost entirely BS and you are fine


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learn c OP


The problem with todays work market is that every single company, no matter how shitty it is, wants only the crème de la crème of the work force. They can afford their behaviour today because the work market today is a global one. You cannot find a genius engineer that will work for 15% less pay than average? No problem, put an add in estonia, you will have 50 applicants for this offer in no time.

However, times are not getting hard for us here. Very bad times are ahead of us and I doubt

In Japan, already 39% of the workforce is only part time employed. That means they work 7 hours a day, 6 days a week and earn 3 dollars per hour. Full time employment means you work 12 hours per day for a little more. People who lose their jobs end up homeless very fast because there is no unemployment money or welfare from the government. Young people who earn badly often end up in appartements with up to 8 or 9 other young people in similar situations.

In China, many factories are closing and the labourers who came from rural villages cannot find new work anymore because when you are past age 35 nobody wants you anymore. Many factories are beeing abandonned and rebuilt in cheaper places like Vietnam, Bangladesh and soon Burma. Many of those people are forced to leave the cities and go back to their ancestoral homelands in the villages. Then you have other Chinese who are young but still struggle to survive in cities even with jobs. I watched how one newspaper reporter lives in a bunker/basement and barely can afford the rent. Then one couple that lives in a bungalow with no running water and a shared toilet with 10 other "appartements". Then at the same time, there are ghost cities everywhere beeing built. I always believed that those ghost cities don't belong to anyone but this is wrong. Rich upper middle class people have bought those appartements in the ghost cities and now try to turn a profit on those investments by renting or selling it.

In America you have tent cities on the rise everywhere. Homeless people make up about 1% of the population already. In Silicon valley, rents have become so expensive that even workers from the prestigous tech companies cannot afford to rent and instead live in their cars. This is all happening while about 14% of real estate is not occupied by anyone. Bureau of statistics claims that jobs are in recovery mode but they do not tell you that most of the new jobs beeing created are waiter and bartendePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Can attest , the 4 hour introductory python and C++ programming tutorials are great.



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anybody ever have to go extremes in order to avoid stalker family members or those you live with who incessantly intrude upon your privacy? Especially when they do in fact do it then when you catch them they act as if they weren't doing it at all.

I %100 wish this was 2014 again when I'd get the entire place to myself for 9 hours/day.

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Anyone here has an absolute lack of motivation to do anything? Usually I find it hard to relate to other people because they mention having a hobby, having "only one friend" or even a girlfriend. Well, I have neither of those.

I have a really hard time to start doing things because of this lack of motivation, but when I finally find something I like, I usually get bored or tired of doing it in like… 2 days or so. With friends, I also have this social anxiety, I can't look at other people's eyes and can't even start a conversation. And the worst part is that whenever I feel like we're finally becoming friends or having a good relationship, I have no idea why but I start feeling uncomfortable around them at the point that I start avoiding them…

So, after a few years being a hikki, I finally got slightly motivated to find a way to move to Japan. I studied a bit and got a scholarship to study in a Japanese university. Well… It's been more than a year already, and after the first month here I stopped going to classes, made no friends and have no motivation to do anything at all again. I basically buy enough food for a few weeks, store everything inside the fridge (which is just next to my bed) and don't go out of the bed until I start feeling really hungry.

Have you ever been in a similar situation? How do you usually find motivation to start doing something new?
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Where did you go out to?
How did you find a job you like?


>Even if it's just finishing an anime series, sit down and watch. Don't think - just process input.
I find myself wholeheartedly agreeing with doing this. You can waste so much time thinking yourself out of doing something, which just leads to more inaction, causing you to fill your time with more thinking since you aren't doing anything. Lately I have revoked my thinking privileges and seeking out new experiences has become easier. Just have to be careful not to mindlessly soak in too much if you care about what you let into your mind.


Everything outside of absolute basics I cannot do. I am bored? Use the internet, gives me something to do. Hungry? Go downstairs, get food. Go down the hall to the bathroom afterwards. Anything other than these things just feels so hard to do.

I start a journal, I can’t bring myself to ever write in it consistently. Even shows are too difficult sometimes, feels like a chore to watch them sometimes. The novelty wears off.

I used to write. People have always complimented my writing skills my whole life.
I used to dick around in GIMP, editing photos into cool-looking posters or weird surrealist messes.
I used to make videos. Little skits, video game footage, montages, etc.
I used to make music. Badly, but I still tried.

Now? I just sit around all day, stuffing my face with junk food looking at the same old websites because it is slightly less boring than doing anything else.


I have a stalker family member, the stress induced from constantly having this ugly fat deluded person literally wanting to listen/watch everything I do causes me to not be able to think straight. I literally stay up nights sometimes in the bathroom hiding because our rooms are next to each other and even then he'll make attempts to step out of his room quietly and try to listen to what I'm doing

I had motivation to do several things over the past years but would just get swept away by the stress, I still strongly believe living somewhere else away from this person and these people in general would vastly improve my quality of life in ways that are unimaginable to me in this moment.


It doesn't matter where you go, you just have to get out of your comfort zone and go somewhere. I started going to local 5national parks, beaches, dance clubs, car meets, concerts, flea markets etc. It doesn't really matter. The point is, you're exposing yourself to what you may think you aren't interested in or just stuff that makes you a little uncomfortable. Do whatever comes naturally when you get there. The only thing you cannot allow yourself to do is leave early because "This is stupid, why am I even doing this?" or "I don't even wanna be here, I'd rather be at home anyways." Ignore all that and expose yourself to the world around you. I didn't like parks and I still don't like parks, but walking around in a safe place I wasn't familiar was an experience and it led me to other things I was actually interested in, like walking through urban cities I wasn't familiar with. I know that might sound strange, but you have no idea what you'd actually like to do until you throw yourself out there.

Apply to jobs that you are just semi interested in for whatever reason. Do pizza delivery or something random. For me, I got a job at a car dealership because Joey Diaz, a guy I really admired at the time, would talk about working as a salesmen at a car dealerships on his podcast that I listened to a lot. That was the ONLY reason I applied to a dealership. I got the job as a porter, which is someone that literally just parks cars and pulls them up for customers. I learned a lot of things just being in that environment. Things I would never have learned otherwise. After working there for a while, I discovered that I have an actual interest in cars that I would never have realized had I not worked around them. For context, I never gave a shit about cars up until then.nI was a good employee, so my boss was open to training me as a mechanic. I didn't originally want to become a mechanic because I was afraid of change, but then I realized that this was a real opportunity before me that I was gonna miss out on because of misplaced fear and complacency. I snapped to my senses and pushed like fuck to get that new position and I loved it. I still love it. I ended up buying my own project car because of the skills I learned working on other cars and have met so amazing people and have made so many amazing irl friends because a mutual interest in something that I would hPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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There's probably something fucked up about how I lead my life but I just couldnt afford to do what the rest of people do, I dont want things to be predictable… I lived as a hobo with people on the road or on my own for the last 4 years but now even this is becoming to seem shallow, I dont know what to do to not get bored by life… Sometimes I feel I should just start a revolution… I feel like I'm missing something to have a fulfilling life, maybe I should get a gf and start simping but no grill will want of a hobo who lives in a trailer and digs trash to eat and live…
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Hmmm, sounds interesting, problem is I live in France and there's not a lot of those in here, I lived in small communities but there always was a problem with drugs/alcohol among members, the best community experience I had was during COVID, I lived at some friend's uncle's farm for 2 months and it was great, we just did not keep on after COVID…


sounds like communism


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I can imagine drugs and alcohol in communities being a major problem. I've seen it myself, Twin Oaks specifically has fairly well put together people for the most part, they're really good at letting in people who are constructive for the community and making it a safe place for families (last I visited there were 4 families with children there.)
Anyways, that really sucks that this sort of thing isn't as common in France, I would have thought that less individualist countries would have more intentional communities if anything.

They interact with the market through the cooperatively owned and operated businesses on site, (seed exchange, hammock factory, tofu factory, farm, furniture and woodworking workshop, etc) but internal to the community, yah, it is very communistic. Their catchphrase is, "Not Utopia Yet." Clothes, medical care, a monthly stipend, food, comfortable shelter and empathetic people are all really valuable things to have guaranteed even when the more consumer pleasures of our general society are less present there. And I really want to emphasize, there's no culty shit, they don't ask for any of your money and are officially secular though members are welcome to practice their respective religions.
The reason I'm not there right now is because I visited as a teenager and was too young to be settling down in a place like that and because I (perhaps foolishly) have tried to engage with the status quo instead and have been utterly failing at it for nearly 7 years now. Community college was awful, I can't manage to motivate myself to work a "real" job, I've just been sat in my room now for years. Maybe if I'm still like this at 30 I'll actually go back. I'd miss my mom though, she's probably the only reason I've stayed this long.
Here's some pics of one of my favorite rooms (a reading room with wifi) in one of the buildings there and a view from one of the bathroom windows. When you've grown up in moldy run down rentals your whole life the rooms in these images are luxurious. I have more pics if uboanons are interested, the buildings get nicer the more recently built they are there. The ones from the 70s are pretty small with small ceilings and some of the newer ones have modern 15ft ceilings in the hallways and big common roPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>When you've grown up in moldy run down rentals your whole life the rooms in these images are luxurious.
True, I've never lived in a place as good looking and comfortable as those in your pictures. It's a bit shocking that a community like this survived for 50 years by itself. I assume they don't just let you sit on your ass all day but make you work for your stay? Probably still a better place than an actual workplace though



Well, there are a few commmunities and I'm looking for some that might be under my radar, I'm hoping to be part of one in a year or two…

Problem is in less "individualistic countries" as you call them, people are less pressured to create viable alternatives to the system because they can just have free housing and a little bit of money for the rest of their lives, hence they become apathetic and actually more individualistic than ever, quite the paradox but it also kinda makes sense…

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does anybody else remember hikkichan, ever so often I entertain the thought of somebody recreating/revamping it and giving us an entire imageboard. except I would much prefer it be an .onion than surface net


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I was on Hikkichan for quite a while. Sometimes I use the Wayback Machine to re-read the archive of that site.


I have no idea how to code or create a webpage let alone maintain it so no, I cannot do it.


You need to have Linux skills if you want to host a chan. Knowing how to program (preferably in the same language that the chan software uses) is only beneficial but it's not a hard requirement. Also, knowing some SQL can be beneficial as well (but it's not a hard requirement either).

Some resources:
- Start with https://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp and the w3schools CSS tutorial. But don't use the rest of w3schools tutorials because they suck.
Another great resource is https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn

- Learn Linux skills: https://xubuntu.org/ + https://www.virtualbox.org/ + https://linuxcommand.org/tlcl.php
(you can also dual-boot Linux and Windows. You just need to use Windows disk management utilities to shrink a partition. Reserve 20GB or more for Linux. Use the existing EFI System Partition and make at least the / (root) file system. But the Xubuntu installer should ask if you want to use the free space and it should do the partitioning automatically in that case). You can use Rufus (https://rufus.ie/en/) to make a flash drive that contains the Xubuntu installer and the live environment. You can use PowersHell to check the integrity of the installation iso file: Get-FileHash xubuntu.iso -Algorithm SHA256

(You can first practice installing Xubuntu using VirtualBox virtual machine without making any changes your real HDD)

- (optionally) Learn how to program: https://automatetheboringstuff.com/

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I've never been able to work on account of my schizophrenia. I am on SSI, but it's not enough to get an apartment without sharing the rent. I recently got kicked out of the place I was staying because I failed to get my name on the lease before moving in. The apartment manager waited to tell me this was against the rules until I'd already been living there for 2 months.

Currently couch surfing waiting for her to let me come back, but it seems unlikely. The uncertainty and constant money problems make my condition worse and I don't see any end in sight because the only affordable option in America for me is Section 8 housing, which takes 5 to 10 years to get approved for and situated in a home.

Anyone else just in permanent limbo on account of disability and constant threat of homelessness? It feels inescapable



Can't you just go live in a trailer park in some shitty state where nobody wants to live?

I'm from France so I just dunno how things work in the US, just wondering…


Even trailer homes in shitty states cost money, and I really don't have enough. Even if I did, I can't seem to pass the driving test on account of severe social and performance anxiety. Everything in most parts of the U.S., most of all the states no one wants to live in, everything is so spread out that one must own a vehicle even to get to the nearest grocery store.


who is this exactly. looks like your only other option is to go on something like craigslist and find a cheap room. or if you're in the city try looking for cheap 24/7 Turn Key offices.

These rentable offices will let you come & go whenever, you just need to look like you don't obviously live there. you'd still have to figure out a shower/laundry situation though


not an immediate solution for you op, but if you end up homeless one day, you can always get a bus and go into a better state. massachusetts provides healthcare to all residents (even homeless) which includes some psych services. it's small and more urban so everything is close together and walkable. and you can always try your luck at a homeless shelter when you get there in the interim. it's not good, but it's a contingency with an ounce of hope at least.

i have a friend with some kind of undiagnosed psychotic disorder, he's in a pretty rough position and i've been considering rooming with him for a year or so to bring him back to the states and try and help him out, but also help me out too, i can't afford a place on my own.

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>years since I've left high school
>mid 20s
>still haven't managed to move out
>extremely low on money

I know there's still hope, but its feeling pretty bleak right now… I'll never get the past 5+ years back which is what I want the most, my formative years. I can only move forward

Anybody here manage to finally move out recently after years of living with a parent/family? I'm trying to get out of here and I have a strong feeling it will vastly improve if I can distance myself from this place


No, I'm still living with my parents. But I think there is nothing to be shamed of if you live with your parents. I wouldn't talk to anyone if I lived on my own, so I think living with my parents is better for my mental health.


>formative years
time spent is part of you. don't regret it. I've only recently moved away at 27 and I still rely on charity to get by. It's okay to rely on others, but always make sure you're doing something positive for yourself so you can grow and stand on your own.


Later is better than never.

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I'm embarrassed to say this, but I'm so lazy. It's a real obstacle in my life. There are things I want to do (they're not even obligations) and I just can't.


What do you think is the root of your laziness? I'm the same as you, and honestly its probably a mix of just apathy and never really ever needing to develop a work ethic for anything when I was young since I'd always be able to get by without putting in much effort.


I understand you perfectly, my friend. Procastination is the worst enemy you can afford. I know it's easier to say things than to actually get off your ass and do productive things, but try to create a habit as soon as you can, start with small tasks, like something that takes you 3 minutes to do, every day, and slowly start increasing the time and add new tasks. Getting into a habit is gradual and slow, but it is extremely satisfying when you realize that you have reduced laziness.


Lazy is not a real word. There is always a root cause of your actions (and inaction). If you're having trouble doing something consistently, question yourself as to why you're doing it. Is it what you want to do? What will you gain from it? If its something you do want to do, then question yourself as to why you're not doing it. Is it fear?


iktf, extremely lazy myself. I sometimes think if I had more daily sunlight, near my eyes, I'd somehow get better

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I'm starting a NEETzine. Help me create the next one! https://neetpride.wordpress.com/2022/04/29/neetpride-magazine-volume-1/
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being a fucking hikki is already no work. You are a fuckin hikki or a NEET one is without the other. Saying both is retarded its either or.


Being a hikki automatically means being a NEET. You cannot work while also not contributing to society or leaving the house. Being hikki is being NEET by default, thus people using it interchangeably. You are actually retarded to argue otherwise.


Thats not what I mean though. What I am trying to say is that Hikki is already the term used for people. You don't call a hikki a neet you call a hikki a fucking hikki because they are more then just a neet. Technically a NEET can be someone who leaves the house has a bit of social interaction with people and isn't afraid to leave the house. Just means you know you are a NEET. IF you are a hikki it implies that you have a mental illness and I don't think 99% of people are going to tell you that you should suffer in your mental illness. A lot of people say being a NEET is a mental illness but it can be a way to reject society and stop helping that society harm people. Such as Varg. Do you consider Varg a normie? There are varying degrees of being a normie. No one is even saying that reddit antiwork type shit is a good idea but we are saying that in general society the one you live in is shit and isn't worth working for. You can also make a justification that humans shouldn't be striving to just work a shitty 9 to 5 job but to strive for greater things. Do you think humanity at large is meant to just struggle in the fields all fucking day picking up horse shit?


I agree with this. NEET literally means "Not in Employment, Education, or Training". I'm not any of those but I still get out into the world and socialize with people (some deep socialization at times…). NEET is more of a spectrum where you have people that just don't want to work and want to chill around to those that shut themselves in permanently because they're incapable of going out.
Not all NEET are Hikki but all/most Hikki are NEET. Hikki tend to be obsessive about one/a few specific ecosystems (like Anime/Manga and/or Gaming) and are notable in that they never, ever leave their homes (as portrayed by Japanese media). Hikki definitely is more of a fuzzy term than NEET which is self-explanatory, and really just means "shut-in" in its most simple definition, and of course that implies a lot.


This guy is a gigantic fag who likes men and does things with them

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