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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice

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Antisocial makes it seem voluntary. It's not. I turned down a new friend because I'm terrified of social interaction. I hate myself. I wish I could go out but I'm confined to myself and my stupid social anxiety. I couldn't even hold a job for the whole summer because it got to be too much.


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social interactions fucking suck. as a matter of fact, most people fucking suck. after being betrayed by a couple of friends/family and going through 8 horrible jobs despite having a bachelor's degree, i can see why some people are driven to fedpost some victims.


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I gave in and posted somewhere else to add to the conversation and ended up fighting with some idiot and it ruined my day, I hate people so much. From now on I wont speak to anyone ever again and just isolate myself completely.


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>I couldn't even hold a job for the whole summer because it got to be too much.
Goddamn, the same thing happened to me. I got a job and I was there for maybe 2-3 weeks before I lost it for missing a shift. Social anxiety, among other things, really screwed me over. And without insurance… fuck

>From now on I wont speak to anyone ever again and just isolate myself completely.
I know how that goes, building stuff up like that to protect yourself. But remember that stuff will just let things continue as they are. My advice would be to look for treatment – if you're in the states and don't have insurance there are behavioral resources that can help you get on insurance which can backdate expenses, that's what I'm working on now.

Now THIS is Antisocial.

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I truly do not believe that my future has any light at all. it's made itself very clear over the years that my parents just don't love me. they don't care or listen to me. They say it's unacceptable for me to ever be a NEET/live in their house much longer. I don't know what i'm going to do next. I deeply resent society and I'm not interested in working or doing studies. i dropped out when i was 16 with no graduation. i turn 19 in february. i'm not good at talking to others in real life nor do i desire it. the thing is i'm very talented at multiple things, and i love making art, i share it online and am also part of online artist communities, it's truly one thing that motivates me to live everyday to create and also to help others. But seeing the state of this world and how people like me are treated, it feels tiresome and neverending. I don't want to waste my potential but i am just not made for this shit. Who ever thought bringing offspring into this shit world [school, work, maybe family, die, repeat] was a good idea? Sorry for the depressing post. I just needed a place to write out these words. I think i just need to isolate myself more and ignore them entirely. It's a waste of energy to talk to them.


OP here, my depression often clouds my thoughts and makes things seem worse than they are. I don't really want to change this lifestyle though,. It's the option that makes the most sense to me. That feels the least difficult while at the same time breaking free from what society expects us to do.


let it all out man

can i see some of your art (:


thanks. It's mostly just video collage/music, i don't really feel comfortable with linking my accounts though..
i'm decent at drawing but still trying to get better. Maybe one day i'll get back to this thread and post some.

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Any hikkis here figure out a way to make money without leaving your room and going outside??.
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Online gambling is a scam. They adjust the odds in real-time so if you are consistently winning, they change the odds so you always lose in succession to lose most of your winnings.

I know this is a FACT because there is a trick to always win 100% of the time at roulette. If you tried it in a physical casino you'd be banned from entering. But when you try it online, the online casino game starts to act very strange.



I applied to work with rev but their application form didn't work. There was no certification to pass. It expected me to submit the form with no changes as there was nothing to mark.


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>makes bullshit claim
>doesn't elaborate or even say what the title is cause "muh NDA"
so you're either full of shit, or you're full of shit. got it.


weird seeing this thread from 2017 here post-COVID. yes, all computer programming jobs are now fully remote. I haven't left my house for work in 3 years. it's ok


you got any experience using this, anon? what's the rate of offered surveys and the (actual, realistic) pay someone can expect to get out of it long term? being told $6.50/hr on the site is cool and all, but it won't really mean much if the average time you invest is too low.

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Just left my house after a year, it sucked and now I have to restart my streak.


I know how you feel


Hate it when that happens.

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Any long-term / no experience NEETs want to share their stories? Or just your existence.


>never had a job
>barely got through school
>haven't left the house in 5 months, haven't left the house for an actual reason in over 2 years
>haven't had a social life in 5 years
>No traumatic past
>no medical issues / disabilities
>not rich / privileged enough to justify or explain it
>not poor / struggling enough to be without internet, food, warmth, privacy

I'm in a really weird and shitty place at the moment. I'm constantly guilty, suicidal, apathetic, angry, scared, lonely, antisocial, bored, tired, and in a state of malaise.

I'm physically and mentally able. I can work, I can think, I can deal with people. Yet I'm a parasite.
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I have 'only' autism and I have had pip/esa for 8 years with three reviews. I think the key to communicating your problems is provide copies of diagnosis papers and write to criteria on each point.


Yeah, going in with all the information you can is essential. Won't stop them trying to put you in the ESA work related group for shits and giggles, though.


It has for me so far. I want to stress that it is *vital* the paperwork is filled out thoroughly, with tons of evidence such as diagnosis papers, reports from psychiatrists/psychologists, any contact with care or related services. It also helps to have involvement with Citizens Advice. On the day of your assessment it's vital you don't mask and must present your difficulties in a bare and truthful way.

It is 60% detailed paperwork evidence, 30% filling in the application paper to tie your difficulties to the criteria and 10% baring all at your face to face (many people make the mistake of dressing up/masking for an 'official' event). Hope that helps.


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I've been told and diagnosed with issues, yet I don't agree with this assessment, for at least 5/6 years ive been a neet/hiki.
For the most part I don't mind it but sometimes it can be a pain, I wish others were able to understand.


I can share and I will share from the perspective of others as I have a poor ability to introspect and deny I have anything wrong with me. Sorry my english

I am NEET and hikikomori for a long time.
Medical issues are many but mental ones.
I am disabled according to the doctors and state so get looked after by people.
I do not desire anything more than this bed and some media to consume.
This includes relationships.

I try to make friend but shy away in the end only to vanish as it is not enjoyable.
Suicide also is something I think of a lot and have material to do so however but scared.
I get confused often about myself and the people around me.

Isolation has made me unable to relate to people even on the internet and in person there is no hope. I understand people but I do not find happy time in what they like.
Many years now on my own with my own thoughts and I do not know myself.

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I will die alone.


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We all will


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Can't wait to.

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I blocked almost all imageboards, forums, porn sites, discord and youtube from my router, changed the password to a random one hard to type one, and scheduled an email to be sent to myself with the password one mont from now.

For three days I have been cut from using the internet as cheap entertainment. I wonder if I should have cut music streaming sites too.

Seems like I missed blocking this site but it doesn't seem too active anyway so I'm safe.

Manga and books are getting a bit stale. Went through four of each.

I don't know what I'm going to accomplish with this. I'm curious if anyone has done this nosurf/nofap/whatever thing. I don't really care for the outcome.


As you i've been fighting with all of the poison that the world of the internet had normalized, i can tell you from my experience that just virtually blocking the websites won't really help at all in the long term. A thing that has really helped me is thinking about my condition as a living and rational human being that has control over his actions, if i fall on watching porn or whatever thing that causes me danger it isn't because some strange possesion that's going over me, it's because i voluntarily wanted do it and i did so, and if i have all the control to do those things that are really hurting me, why can't i do the same for just stop doing it? That thought is something that i've managed to be really present in my mind. Another thing that i suggest you to do is seeking help, go to a psychologist and talk about your problems i can ensure you that will really help. I'm sorry if i didn't explain myself well i ain't a native english speaker. I really hope that you will be clearing your mind and having a good life.


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A month is excessive. Nofap/nosurf don't really work as advertised. I recommend going 2 days without internet first. During that time, you either do something productive or find offline entertainment. What you're looking for is similar to a dopamine detox, only it's a "digital" detox. What difficulty do you want?

a) No Internet (internal network traffic is fine)
b) No Internet, PC, or phone if you have one
c) No screens at all. Only paper media, radio etc. are allowed for entertainment.

As >>6595 alluded to, blocking sites or relying on other external resources won't work as well as your own willpower. You must be able to get to a point where you still have unfettered access but can disconnect at will. At that point, you're using your devices and not the other way around. I stopped using shitcord entirely from mid-March to mid-May this year and it was very calming and empowering. More free time, less pseudo-social urges. Regarding youtube specifically, you can take away 90% of its addictive power by not using the app ever, and only looking at your subscriptions. You can even make RSS feeds out of your subs.


I've taken various internet breaks from a few months to a year. You kinda have to have a solid goal your internet addiction was keeping you from achieving to get real results, otherwise you just feel kind of bored and are likely to come back the same as ever and repeat the same habits.

But maybe after a month of cold turkey you'll see how vapid and dull a lot of the content out there is. Most of it feels so stupid I just cba to look or care. imo even the hardcore digital/dopamine detox stuff is in a similar realm of retarded and still saps up your time. Just think of the internet as a pantry packed full of sweets you know better than to binge on and practice mindfulness. But yeah, sometimes it helps to throw out all the junk at first.

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I hate people who glorify pain and suffering and "hard work" at the expense of your own health, free time and happiness. Suffering doesn't make you deep, it's not meaningful, and most importantly it's not necessary. These people brag about working 13 hours a day just so that other people can see how much they can endure. From an outside perspective, they look stupid. If you can find shortcuts, why not try them?

The people who win at life are the ones who know how to enjoy it, and you just know that the martyrs are seething with jealousy. This is where their criticism comes from (mainly about freelancers but also some neets), that they are shallow, that they have it easy, or "why do they make money sitting on their ass while I put in hard work"? Well, tough luck I guess? You're not superior for having a shitty life.
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I usually assume you work 13h with shortcuts , smart AND hard.

Also i kinda with i had their willpower so i can do stuff i like and not burn out. A subconcious part of me kinda wants to be like that but it might be because i have the opposite problem of having piss poor willpower/motivation even towards doing stuff i like (burning on hobbies a lot) rather than a desire to work myself to death , could also be soceital glorification of this lifestyle influencing me a bit (you are not immune to propagnda) .

I do recognise its unhealthy tho.


> Otherwise all you'll ever know is sitting at home watching anime and being kinda comfy.
And what's wrong with that? That's hardly an argument in favour of suffering.


"Kinda" is the key word. You will never discover the real joys of living. It's an existence you could take or leave.


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>the real joys of living
Life is only pain. Why be some fake conformist wannabe yuppie when you can embrace the truth and write poetry about death and post it online in a shrine to your pain?


I wholeheartedly agree. This is especially present in the field I was thinking about getting into - Computer Science.
It seems everyone there tries to become ultra-productive little code monkeys, spending most of their time doing pointless boring shit.
Even though, I'm somewhat interested in the field itself, this sort of behavior turns me off from it really hard.

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I'm curious, have any refugees from magicchan or /tower/ found their way here?
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You're fucking retarded.


Not that anon but we can now be found at https://anon.cafe/tower/ . Hope you guys find this post.

Are any of you the mage with the 2 dogs? It would be nice to see him again


You still here, anon?


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oh yes, kosmiku warrior raidy here.



what happened , is magicchan and magichan any different from wizchan where they call women succubi or whatever the fuck

Also looked up wizchan again to see if i remembered it correctly , seems like wizchan is down as well.

Dont know if the term succubus has a negative connotation in the board culture or its a term that carries no bad connotation because its evolved from the term wizard as virgin because women can take away your magic virginity essence (and your "wizard" status) as i havent been on the site, just saw like 2 threads

I have stumbled upon https://incelwiki.com/w/Wizchan somehow

According to the wiki: "Though still part of the incelosphere, the forum is pretty hostile to incels who express that involuntariness"

I can assume succubus is supposed to be some sort of slur

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I have failed again it seems that I keep wasting a day away and then starting the work at the last moment, I have tried every reformation but it all makes it go worse I don't know what I can do to fix it, I dunno what gets into me in the day, I have no idea about why I made the decisions I made, what the fuck do I do? what the fuck can I do right now to ensure that I don't fuck up tomorrow morning? it's as if I am a different person, I really have no fucking idea anymore, everything I have tried has failed, I can't fucking give up.

I broke every vow I ever took over the past few years, I lied and lied whenever it was convenient

I was able to stop being a neet but I only ended up making my situation worse, I am trying to cover HS with homeschooling since I dropped out ages ago.

I have no idea what I should do I wish I was convinced in what I was doing but every fibre of my body wants to go back to being a neet, I have to cover up an years syllabus in 2-3 weeks if I don't wanna waste an year.



What exactly is keeping you from achieving, anon? Lack of concentration? Laziness? Too much to do?



From my personal experience social media is a big time sink , think reddit snapchat instagram and tiktok and perhaps even youtube. I whould say youtube is the best out of the aforementioned imo as "entertainment platforms" because you can just put in in the backround while you persue a hobby (ie. drawing) but can still be a big time sink.

And you dont even realise it , you just get from work/school/wakeup/whatever the fuck you where supposed to do then go on social media and start mindlessly scrolling , its more of a reflex/reaction than anything , like if bored then social media , but because you get a steady ammount of dopamine/seretonin you keep browsing , the ammount isnt great , its just enought to make you feel "meh" and most importantly for the owners of the app, its enought to keep you there for the longest ammount of time.

Again , its more of a reflex than an addiction , i have quit reddit by getting the "delayed gratification" plug in , setting a 30 sec timer on reddit every 5 min and it seems to have worked. While i turned to youtube and grindy repetitive videogames/playing them in a grindy repetitive manner/stuff that doesnt require a lot of mental effort.

I whould usually have some sort of withdrawl when i stopped playing videogames (it was just mental: aka bad feelings like apathy) but for reddit nothing changed wherer i was browsing or not. same sensation of apathy. Just the reflex like sensation that comes from time to time by some triggers that i am not aware of (likely boredom triggers it time to time) that is usually fought off by the 30s countdown

TL:DR: Quit social media , its not as hard as you think it is,the delayed gratification plugin is a god send for it.

(Delayed gratification plugin: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/delayed-gratification/ifhndomfnbmggdgodaicfebeggdphlcn?hl=en)

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