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/o/ - Art / Oekaki

Oekaki is back!!!
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File: 1616122577152-0.png (1.01 MB, 3845x6000, Back of back back with s….png)

File: 1616122577152-1.png (6.28 MB, 6000x3000, Inside of the front cover ….png)


If you want a reproduced Yume no oto CD album like me, here's how you go about it.
1) https://www.mediafire.com/file/ch5leaxsct07ixe/Art+for+reproduction+purposes.zip/file
Click this link and download the .zip fie. It contains the .png images needed for the CD art and jewel case art and the link to download the songs [the link does not contain the songs itself]. Unlike my copy, it's more updated so that when you get yours, it won't have any missing visual features or look rough in some areas.
2) Go on Etsy and look for a seller who'll make your order. It's not that hard to find surprisingly, and usually inexpensive. BEWARE, Etsy does charge shipping fees [as expected], so depending on where you live might affect when you receive it and more importantly, the shipping costs.
3) Profit.


Thank you so much. I really appreciate this.

File: 1615312444644.png (8.15 KB, 269x235, orc profile.png)


I've always loved drawing orcs and mage types.


File: 1615388468307.png (11.21 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

That's a really nice orc. My favourite one is dragons, but if we're talking about humanoids then I love anything that is half animal like harpies and centaurs.


What a lovely dragon! I was a bit obsessed with them as a kid, so I got thousands of drawings of them lying around.


File: 1615391373524.png (22.14 KB, 584x446, orc meet drago.png)

awww! TY! I never got the hang of drawing beastly creatures, but dragons are adorable- especially yours! >>5032


Wow thank you for drawing my dragon! That's funny how he's in love with your orc

Thanks that's kind. I have a lot of them too but not thousands. Any you're proud of you could post?

File: 1615097075660-0.png (1.17 MB, 2982x2982, CD 1 - Reproduction #2 [29….png)

File: 1615097075660-1.png (1.17 MB, 2982x2982, CD 2 - Reproduction #2 [29….png)


Download the files and project files here! Of course, they aren't perfect, but it's close enough!

File: 1614556274292-0.jpg (2.97 MB, 3000x3000, Front Cover - Ai Upscaled.jpg)

File: 1614556274292-1.png (517.55 KB, 3000x3000, Innerside.png)

File: 1614556274292-2.png (97.87 KB, 1627x2309, Yume Nikki; Collectable Ca….png)

File: 1614556274292-3.png (37.22 KB, 1627x2309, Yume Nikki; Collectable Ca….png)


After seeing several photos of the Yume Nikki soundtrack "Yume no oto" on CD, I noticed a lot of them came with cards. So I decided to recreate them to the best of my abilities, plus a couple of original card designs and recreations of the soundtrack art itself. Enjoy!


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Do you know how to find art like this?.. It's very hard to describe with words what I mean by the "art like this" but once you see it you understand that this is it, this is "art like this".
32 posts and 59 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>It's very hard to describe with words what I mean by the "art like this" but once you see it you understand that this is it, this is "art like this".
To start, you could try the word ``surreal. In my experience, ``ineffable has always been an expression of intellectual lethargy. If one attemts to understand it, eventually, one shall.


(Looks like the close-doublequote of an elegant style is mangled by the typesetter)


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Pretty please?

I don't think I'd look all that different as a dude.
9 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


ね?nえwふぁgU hEREDONTKNOWHOW tお reply single post uto. 4979???#


File: 1580510766811.png (19.5 KB, 600x600, download20200105194412.png)

Same shit, shorter hair.


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Damn, we should bring these threads back, drawing and filling out charts and shit. Thanks >>4979 for bumping you dumb faggot. I reckon I would look something like this. I'm probably feminine enough to pull it off IRL, if I could just get my hair to grow that long.


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I did a long, long time ago.


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My biggest fear when I was a teen was if I cut my long hair people would confuse me for a young boy.

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Is this chan dead?


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File: 1507079584559.png (2.8 KB, 100x100, Floressa.png)


Hello, I'm pretty new to pixel art, I've done sprites but that's basically it. I attempted a bust, I want to go for a PC98 type of pixel-ing, so the colors are according and I "tried"

Any constructive criticism to help me improve would be much appreciated. I am working on a game currently but not of this style, but in the future once my pixels have improved I would love to try my hand at a different style of game


The eye placement seems a little off, but since I can't describe what exactly is wrong, feel free to disregard me.

That aside, so far so good.


Are you still around? Would like to see how you've progressed.

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