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/yume/ - Dreams

Dream On!
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This is the most terrifying dream I can ever remember having.

One of the most disturbing parts was that the dream started out with me doing extremely mundane things. Things I would do in real life. As though the dream wanted to settle me in comfortably before it terrified me. I was in a hotel on a high up floor. There may have been a convention going on. I was looking through a card binder and thinking about selling things. I go down to walk, by the stairs for some reason, and I see a young boy in one of the hallways. He might have been indian or something, he was certainly ethnic in any case. He looks lost, so I agree to help him find his parents.

As I walk through every single hall with the boy, I find some people crowding a particular door. A woman runs up seemingly trying to retrieve the boy, but she doesn't look like his mother. I asked if they were related. She said no and grabbed him away from me. So they throw the kid into the door and I hear teeth chomping and howling that pierced my soul. So I ran.

The rest of the dream was 3 days of survival, in real time, as the most gruesome depiction of hells hounds, seemingly somehow released by a middle eastern terrorist organization, covered the world devouring everyone. I ran with various packs of people camping for survival, Sei was separated from me after the first attack on our camp. I don't know what happened to him. I remember I jumped into a pool at some point and many hounds followed me in.

The hounds looked like they were made of darkness, muscle, and teeth, and resembled various dogs at different times, they morphed unnaturally.

Oh and the dream let me wake back up in what seemed like my bed in real life but actually was another dream. just a weird one though where there was some homeless chick living in my house watching DVDs with a bad speaker, but the speaker sound almost made me think of the dogs again, and THAN I actually woke up


There's another few events that happened. When I was surviving with camps, we debated the legitimacy of doing anything for the sake of comfort. Some people wanted to use weed or drugs because they said they would help, other people wanted to sleep, or cook food. Every little comfort was debated on the grounds that we could be attacked any moment, and most people agreed to simply eat millitary rashions.

There was a scene where a large group of children were debating similar things, but more like in regards to comforting each other. They sat alone, silent, until it became difficult for them to silence each others cries to each other for affection. This scene followed into the attack that lead to me apparent death in the pool.


Fuck dude that sounds like it really sucks, i think the worst dream i had was when i was a kid. When i have nightmares they usually involve ghosts or some sort of psycological torture. I remeber as a kid i used to eat a lot at night when my parents were asleep and since the kitchen was in the middle of our house i had to traverse the dark hallways to get some measly portion of food that would somewhat satistfy my hunger (or boredom). If i turned on the lights i would wake up someone and they would usually get pissed so i had to keep all the lights off except the light above the water dispenser on the fridge. This really gave the gouse an eerie feel and it didnt help that i watched tons of documentaries on supernatural stuff as a kid.

So anyways in this dream i was going to the kitchen to get some sort of food and it was just like in real life. I get to the kitchen and hear some furniture move around the corner in the living room. I look over and see a outline of m older brother that was all black but somehow darker than the dark room he was in. He had my little brother in front of him and he looked like he was crying. I yelled out in shear horror because for reasons unknown i kew that he was really a shapeshifting demon out to get me. I run back to my room upstairs and wait their with my head in my hands because i was cornered and i hated myself for leaving my brother with that thing.

Eventually after an hour or so of tension and soft footsteps outsfide my door i hear a fist banging on my door. I open the door and see my 8 year old younger carrying my previously mention baby brother. My baby brother had a look in his eye that told me if he said anything about the dempn that was posing as my brother he would be killed. Meanwhile the demon ppsing as my 8 yr old brother was begging me to let him in. This really fucked me up and i woke up crying

Luckily it was all a dream

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Ok so, guys, this dream is not mine, is from a friend (who doesnt speak english)
He told me he dreamed about he entered into a classic building, so, he entered into an elevator, he says there was someone behind him, but he couldn't turn around to saw who was that guy. he entered the elevator, and there was two womans on it.
He says one had blonde hair with a horsetail, and the other one has long brown hair, he told me the people who was behind him entered into the elevator too, but he didnt saw him entering, and was still behind him.
So.. the elevator started going up, until they get into floor 49, then, the elevator started to tremble, and going down, going down extremely fast. until it crashed and he wake up…
So, he decided to see what time was, it was exactly 11:49 P.M

So what do you think, he is asking of if this drea could have a meaning, and, if it has one, what does 49 number means in all of this?


dumb vidya logic.
50 would be the max level, but 50 actually rolls around to 00 so 49 is the max level.

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wallpaper thread?
rate my oc
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also have some shitty 4:3 papes from my second monitor
this is my favorite yume nikki related image


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haha wrong board
i am retarded
time to stop browsing for like a week out of shame


Just request the mods to move the thread and delete this one.


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So I've always had nightmares, but lately they've been more vivid and gruesome than the typical ones I've had.

I've been taking an SSRI for the past month, I'm wondering it that has anything to do with it, I'm unsure. Have any of you experienced dreams that are so vivid you can feel every single thing in it, despite those things not happening to you in real life? My last one involved me being split almost in two down the middle of my body, and it felt uncomfortable and painful and the two halfs would open as I walked and moved around. I also witnessed my boyfriend and my best friend in the same condition as well.

I don't know, I've always had them but the vivid detail and sense of pain I feel from them has been higher than normal.


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> I've been taking an SSRI for the past month
Maybe this is a reason. I feel pain in dreams sometimes too, but not so intensive. Once I've had taken a too much pills and couldn't fall asleep. And when I finally fell asleep, my dreams was realistic too, but they was, say, mixed with reality.


Yes, medications that act on serotonin will almost definitely have a strong effect on your dreams.

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I just made a 2-week time-lapse GIF for the updated map that if you can click on it, it will give you a rapid-fire sequence of events based on positive-neutral-negative outcomes we experienced up to this point. At first, the Lucians appear to be losing ground a little bit from several negative dream outcomes, but after some major encouragement, plus the advantage of using the high ground give them an advantage to push farther north just before reaching snow-capped territory. Autumn is setting in fast from the north, and heavy storms are battering the neutral eastern seaboard that is not my concern.

As of now given the last frame, this is where my dream people need further tactical assistance to either use the mountainous terrain and take the northernmost Soul Tower on the way (A), or a bottleneck one-way main road to attack the enemy capital, taking two of the remaining three Soul Towers with it (B). If they do not take either route within the next month, they will retreat to the continental border and reset the meter to 60/40 due to neutral dream outcomes or delayed reinforcements and supplies. (1st and 2nd image)

Looks like one of the high-ranked Chasers,(3rd image) a demon knight wants to challenge me in my dreams after I firmly rejected his offer to betray the Lucians to help my enemy win their soul harvesting movement, it would be high treason followed by automatic waking up with a swollen head. The duel will take place on Rockcrown Cliff (4th image) just not far from the Soul Tower northeast of the disputed continental border, and it will be a fight to the death type of dream starting whenever the next time I become lucid. This the first translated place I deciphered from my map into English. I have no experience in dream combat, so most certainly I will lose followed by waking up unless I get to know what stabilization is. I am advanced with the visualizing, checks, programmed events and story detail, but lack the in-dream techniques needed to survive extended REM stays.

Other high-ranked Chasers may join in to duel with me should I win somehow by luck or self-confidence. This type of dream is just as ambiguous as Madotsuki. I might just soon end up with her (not lethally) too if I cannot win my unintended dream war with beasts without a walk-through. Help would be appreciated, and I will thank you for any advice. The exact names of whom challenged me remains classified, and my dream story is still on going, so all images Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


why a new thread?


Eh, I have no idea where this comes from; my thoughts are clouded at the moment. This is actually part of the thread that focuses on dreams that catch my interest as of late, and I do not attempt in any way switching them unless necessary. Thanks for coming in!

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Hey, fellow lucid dreamers! My dream planet that I worked on for a long time from my visualization hiatus indicates there is going to be a war between my own dream characters I call Lucians versus Chasers, the source of our nightmares. I just whipped up a MS Paint map to show you what is happening while I was not there. In my last visit to that world, I was stationed at the Lucian capital as a coming of age prince on my way for coronation, but was besieged and left for dead by a local Chaser army. They let me go after I made a selfish decision to lose my ability to dream in exchange of not besieging again for a set period, and going back again before their terms are up would mean an all-out war that my “dream people” can’t win by themselves alone.

This map does not have translated locations yet because I still do not know much about the terrain other than the eleven Soul Towers and two metropolitan areas. These Soul Towers power up anyone’s abilities when near, but only under that respective faction’s control. There are 11 of them scattered about, and the goal in the next series of dreams anyone can participate is to capture all towers and then destroy its capital. The meter will tell you how close either faction is to winning that factors in population, towers controlled, and territory owned. This world is quite vast, even if you go at top speed on a prototype vehicle, it will still take you hours to reach the next destination, and driving is on the left hand.

Caution: Traveling in Lucia in anyone’s dreams including mine can be very dangerous, due to the extreme weather patterns that take place at certain times of the year, but anyone can force this phenomena either to their benefit or to wreak havoc over a wide area and stay there for a half-day. Speeds in futuristic versions of today’s vehicles and abilities related to agility can go over 400 km/h. In addition, for every minute going by, there is a ridiculously high chance the scenery or outcome of the event witnessed or not may change almost instantly because of the instability coming from thoughts. Every day on Lucia is equal to roughly this (45 mins daytime, 30 mins nighttime) in summer, and vice versa in winter (30 mins daytime, 45 mins nighttime). You suffer almost no social consequences only outside of a metropolitan area, but people in Lucia will remember your actions if you start causing chaos anywhere on their territory.

A brief info on the two factions:

LuciPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


This is fascinating. Unfortunately I can barely recognise when I'm dreaming, let alone something this advanced. This is the first I'm seeing of this, but it seems as if this has been a long running thing from what you've said. Would it be possible to get a run down of the previous threads assuming there are any?


Go ahead, I don't mind.

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I know this is kind of a hit-or-miss question, but it's worth a shot. Do your dreams ever take place in their own "world" or are they inconsistent or just regular places from your life. If they do take place in their own "world", can you describe it?

My dreams seem to take place in a somewhat more dilapidated variation of the state I grew up in with a few altered areas/new places. Also for some reason, all of the cars seem to be pre-2000.

By some miracle/coincidence, I found a picture on flickr that represents my dream setting very accurately. There is a junkyard that shows up often in my dreams that have hundreds of old cars crammed inside of it. My dreams are always in this weird vintage "filter" where everything is a blurred, brownish haze.

I keep procrastinating on mapping out the world, but for now that picture is the only thing I have in regards to visuals of it in real life.


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Yes, once, when I was a kid I had this "series" of dreams during a whole week more or less. Apparently, Earth went nuts or something, so we were living in a post-apocalyptic scenario where everything was filled with lava. Actually, our "outpost" (Since it looked like it) was a vulcano, so there's it.

The weird thing is that when I would go to sleep the dream would continue from the last point where I woke up before, like an episode. I stopped having the dream when I fell into the lava. It was one of the most bizarre experiences I ever felt in my dreams.
I went down and down in the magma, and I could hear the bubbles too. Somehow I knew I was dead, but I wasn't unconscious, nor feeling any pain. The closest thing I can come by to explain it is that it felt as if I was under the water with my eyes closed. It was somehow different though, it was as if I knew I was sleeping and I knew that if I opened my eyes I'd wake up, so I stayed like that for a while until I couldn't contain my curiosity anymore and opened them, effectively waking up.

I was around 7, 8 or 9 by then.

Now, about the place… we were, as I said, living in some kind of volcano. The entrance was small so you had to kneel to go inside, and there were always some kind of sparks on the floor so it was common to get a burn there. I don't remember how it was inside, though.
Outside, there was some kind of bay made of lava (where I fell and died), and it had some small "islands" (they could only contain 1 person at most) of rock. Sometimes, people would come in some sort of ship and sell/exchange things with our group.

I tried to draw it.


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My dream worlds are never really the same, and sometimes they even change in the middle of the dream. There have been a few instances where in the dream I remembered dreaming of the place I was in, but I don't actually have these location recorded in my journal, so it's probably just something that my mind conjures up.
If the locations are based on real life, they're usually warped in some way - hallways, passages and streets are where they shouldn't be, some buildings are mirrored, etc.

Oh man, that reminds me of a dream I had when I was like 5 or 6 where a volcano was exploding and the world was basically in the middle of the apocalypse. I remember the sky being red/orangeish and my mother, for some reason, digging into the ground with her bare hands. Dream me was panicking at this point and trying to get her to go inside the house, but she just kept digging.

The picture is somewhat similar to my dream, though it was set in a village.

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Let's post pictures of things that inspire you, or things you want to see/be/meet in your next dream.
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apocalypse dreams are the best


indeed they are, but the awakening is always a mess


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In my next dreams, I want to wake up in a world that is eternally stuck in a nostalgic, premonitory dusk. It's a world that is always set right before the end, without ever crossing that threshold.

The world seems barren at first, and glum and depressing - but if you're letting it invite you, it's peaceful, warm and positively carefree. It bewilders you at first, before you realize it's right where you belong.

Maybe it's hard to dream of these things if you've got them planned out that well already.

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*Pic unrelated, just kinda cute*
I had a dream that my crush was starting talking to me and he was starting to like me. We walked under this really pretty tree on top of a hill and talked about things we liked. We would always be smiling but not in a creepy way, a comfortable way (for being in the dream). This "magical hill" was on a college campus of some sort? Then he suddenly disappeared; leaving notes and clues for me to find under this weird tree we hung out under. He had apparently been taken by some evil gang/tyrant/government or something and left me all of his… "clues" to complete. It was this whole crazy lucid adventure involving government conspiracy papers and rescuing my crush from this weird prison place where they held him captive… It was pretty intense and as much as I enjoyed my funny dream they of course never last; sadly.

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Is it possible to inherit the ability to remember dreams more easily from your relatives? My grandmother and I can remember our dreams pretty well.
Our dreams our pretty different though. My dreams are more like Mado's and Sabi's while her's are more like Chie's with a bit of Uro's.
We each have a place that keeps appearing in our dreams. Mine have the schools I went to in the past, including my current one. Her's involve this candy store similar to ones you would've gone too if you were a child in the 50's. Actually, lot of her dreams are about her childhood.


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I'm pretty sure the ability to remember dreams relies much more on how the brain was formed than genetics. I mean, sure, maybe there's a gene that actually helps remember dreams more easily, but if you don't develop that part yourself then all you have is a little help but not actual backup.

Neuroscience and genetics aren't my fields though. At any rate, nobody's found evidence to state this is a possibility, or at the very least I've never heard anything about it.


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Huh. Honestly that would be a very strange gene.


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There's a gene that determines whether you can twist your tongue or not… there's another one that determines the size of your bellybutton… I don't know, they're some weird shit.
The furthest I ever went was inorganic chemistry.

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